Japan Amateur Radio League (JARL) represents amateur radio in Japan.
JARL displays league's activities at JARL booth in Dayton Hamvention every year.
See you all again at JARL booth in Hara Arena, 20 - 22 May 2011 !!
JARL holds Ham Fair 2010 on 21st and 22nd August 2010, at Tokyo Big Site, let's join us.


One of main activities of JARL at Dayton Hamvention is to issue awards sponsored
by JARL. There are lots of JARL Awards, AJD-All Japan Districts Award,
WAJA-Worked All Japan prefectures Award, ADXA-Asian DX Award and etc.

Again this year, JARL has honored to cooperate to IARU, International Amateur
Radio Union and ARRL. JARL desk was set up at the IARU lounge in the ARRL EXPO.
It was the second time that the leagues in three regions exhibited together in the
IARU lounge. And JARL DXCC card checkers have issued IARU WAC award.
Also JARL accepted applications of IARU Region 3 award for the first time at Dayton.
JARL Booth, JA1SLS is preparing to issue JARL awards.

JARL at Dayton Hamvention issues JARL awards, IARU WAC award
and accepts application of IARU Region 3 Award
You need to confirm 10 different JA call areas You need to confirm 30 or more entities in Asia
More details, please refer JARL Awards Program
IARU WAC award Please refer Region3 award rules

President of ARRL N3KN and her OM N3AO
at JARL Booth.
L to R  JA1DM, N3KN, N3AO
President of RSGB M0OBW at JARL Booth.
President of IARU VE6SH and
Secretary of IARU Region 2 XE1KK.
Popular ARRL EXPO area

        Active youth operators
K2AX and N2PKP Paige W0ANT Anna
N2XQM, KJ4EYZ William and NC1L ARRL Project Building Booth


K0QB holds his AJD award TI2KAC holds his JARL award application


        Visitors at JARL Booth
W3DRY, Denny VU2PAI, Pai
VQ9LA Larry and N2AJ PB2T Hans and his XYL
TA2LC, TA2AH, TA2T, TA1KS and WW2L PT2AST and PT2RAC hold LABRE flag


          Other activities in IARU lounge
DL1BDF and members at DARC Booth HB9BOU and his group issue 4U1UN/4U1ITU QSL


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Copyright © 1997-2010
The Japan Amateur Radio League, Inc.
Tel:+81-3-5395-3106   Fax:+81-3-3943-8282
E-mail: intl@jarl.or.jp